About Us
Healthy Phit Physical Therapy & Wellness Consultants, LLC was founded by Dr. Lisa Folden who sought to create a holistic practice in which the client’s total health and wellness was the primary driving force. Since its inception in 2013, Healthy Phit has lived up to this focus and more.
The only of its kind in Charlotte, NC, Healthy Phit offers weight-inclusive physical therapy services to a wide array of clients in varying body types, shapes and sizes needing assistance after injuries and with chronic conditions impacting the bones, muscles and nerves, including those resulting from eating disorders.
Dr. Folden’s weight-inclusive and trauma-informed approach ensures that patients are welcomed, made to feel safe and comfortable and never shamed or blamed for their bodies or medical conditions.
In addition to physical therapy, Healthy Phit offers health and body image coaching from an anti-diet perspective, upholding the criteria of Health at Every Size® (HAES®) as established by The Association for Size Diversity and Health (ASDAH). As a result, this practice is fat-friendly, does not encourage diets or restrictive lifestyles and is accepting of all clients, regardless of weight, size, race, age, gender, religious affiliation, sexuality, dis/ability or other variables. Consider Healthy Phit your safe space for healing and growing.

Our Services
Physical Therapy (PT)
Whether you’re recovering from an injury or need help with a congenital condition, Healthy Phit can help you get back to your normal life.
Health & Body Image Coaching
Get personalized coaching to help you break up with toxic diet culture, repair your relationship with food and experience body peace.

Client Testimonials
“Dr. Lisa is one-of-a-kind! Growing up with muscular dystrophy I am no stranger to surgeries and physical therapy and I can say without a doubt that she provides the best service I have ever experienced."
“I reached a point where I wanted to change my relationship with food, and get a little bit of my groove back after being 16 months postpartum."
"Visiting Dr. Folden was one of the wisest decisions I’ve made concerning my health. I am pregnant with twins and have a herniated disc."
Contact Us
For additional questions or assistance, please leave your information below.
Operating Hours
Monday - Thursday 9:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.
Additional days and times available by appointment only.
Our Address
6302 Fairview Rd., Suite 100, Charlotte, NC 28210
info@healthyphit.com | Phone: 980-505-7448
Fax: 704-954-8681