But Are You Really Body Positive?
I sometimes wonder if people see my body positivity message as toxic or even fake. I know, I know...I can’t be preoccupied with...

Healthy, Chubby and Happy...
How comfortable are you in your own skin? Truth moment: I haven’t always been comfortable in mine. Like most women, I gained weight after...

5 Tips to Counteract a Tough Morning
Picture a morning full of chaos...whatever "chaos" means to you. For me, it's whining children upset about their outfits, a husband...

I’m Feeling Myself
So over the past few weeks, I have been catching glimpses of my bare body in the mirror while getting ready for bed and/or work. And each...

Treat Yo Self: 3 Tips for a Solo Mini Stay-cation
Well, it's Monday...typically a daunting day for many, especially when it marks the return to work. For me though, this particular Monday...

Modified Child’s Pose
My workout time this morning was spent in child’s pose breathing deeply and fighting back tears of frustration and annoyance. Between...

Self-Reflection: Trying to figure it all out
It's my birthday...the big 35! A milestone of sorts I suppose. As many of us do on our birthdays, I'm reflecting. Reflecting on the year,...
Falling into Phit, Wellness and Joy: A Introspection by Dr. Lisa Folden
A few days ago, I was sitting alone at the dinner table, preparing to eat my dinner. It was barbecue meatballs and mixed vegetables. My...